
How to refurbish a commercial space?

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Renovating your business premises can be both an exciting and challenging process. Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to renovate an existing location, the way you design and renovate your space can have a significant impact on the success of your business.

From the layout of the space to the choice of materials, every decision you make can influence your customers’ experience and the efficiency of your business. Therefore, in this article from Leba, as a Construction Company in Malaga, we will give you some key points on how to refurbish a commercial space effectively.

1. Check that the premises comply with local regulations.

Before anything else, it is essential that you clearly define the type of business you wish to establish in the premises, whether it is a restaurant, a store, a gym or any other activity. Regardless of the previous uses of the space and the regulations that applied at the time, it is crucial to check with the local town hall to be aware of the current regulations. You will need to apply for the Certificate of Urban Compatibility, which confirms if the activity you are planning is permitted in that location. This certificate is essential in order to be able to subsequently apply for the Opening License.

As an additional recommendation, take the opportunity of the reform to review and improve the existing water, electricity and gas installations. This not only ensures that they comply with current standards, but can also offer you improved energy efficiency, which translates into long-term savings.

2. Take into account the Management of licenses and formalities.

Once you have selected the ideal location and it has the right requirements, the next step is to make sure you obtain all the necessary permits and licenses to start and operate your business. To go through this bureaucratic process smoothly and ensure that you don’t miss any crucial details, it is advisable to have the support of experts in the field. Handling these procedures on your own can be complicated and any errors or omissions could adversely affect the future operation of your business.

If you decide to work with a construction and renovation company that offers a complete project management service, this could simplify the process considerably. These companies often take care of all the administrative steps necessary to ensure that your site is compliant with local regulations, freeing you from the burden of handling the paperwork yourself.

3. Find and contact a renovation company

Once you are familiar with the requirements and regulations to ensure the success of your business renovation, it is time to select the right company to carry out your project.

When making your choice, consider the company’s experience in the construction industry, as well as previous projects they have completed. Don’t hesitate to request quotes and evaluate different options. Look for an established company, such as Leba Constructora, which has a team of professionals with extensive experience and proximity, able to provide guidance and advice throughout the process, and resolve any questions or concerns you may have.

But what kind of improvements are made in the renovation of commercial premises?

Structural improvements

1. Evaluation of the space

It is very important to know what is the real space available to carry out the design and renovation of the commercial premises. Considering all the measurements of the space you can contemplate the idea of using one furniture or another that fits with the measurements taken previously. With this evaluation of the space you can then propose different distributions for the premises.

2. Planning and Design

Before beginning any renovation work, it is essential to have a clear plan in mind. Define your business goals and needs, and consider how your store design can support them. What kind of experience do you want to create for your customers? What design elements will be most effective in highlighting your products or services?

Also, consider the functionality of the space. Think about how you can optimize the layout to maximize traffic flow and facilitate day-to-day operations. Collaborating with a construction firm or architect can help you translate your ideas into a practical and attractive design.

3. Improvement of the Entrance and Facade

Your storefront and entrance are the first impressions customers will have of your business. Make sure they are attractive and welcoming. You can consider options such as renovating the facade with new siding or paint, installing eye-catching lighting, or adding decorative elements that reflect your brand identity.

Also, make sure the entrance is accessible and easy to find. Clear and visible signage can help guide customers to your location and create a positive experience from the moment they step foot in the door.

Are you interested in the renovation of acommercial property?
At Leba Constructora, we offer customized solutions for each project. Find out which one best suits your needs and budget.

Design improvements

4. Lighting and Color

The right lighting can have a big impact on the atmosphere of your store and the perception of your products or services. Consider both natural and artificial lighting to create a pleasant and functional environment. Bright, even lighting can be beneficial in display and sales areas, while softer, warmer lighting may be more appropriate for break areas or customer service.

Likewise, color plays an important role in the customer experience. Neutral, warm tones can create a sense of warmth and comfort, while bright, bold colors can add energy and personality. Choose a color palette that reflects your brand identity and appeals to your target audience.

5. Furniture and Space Distribution

Furniture is an essential part of any retail space, as it not only serves a practical function, but also contributes to the style and aesthetics of the space. When choosing furniture, consider durability, comfort and consistency with your brand image. Also, make sure the furniture is arranged in a way that facilitates traffic flow and optimizes the use of available space.

In addition, it is important to consider design flexibility. Opt for modular or adjustable furniture that can adapt to different needs and configurations over time. This will allow you to make the most of your space and make adjustments as needed.

6. Technology and Conveniences

Integrating the right technology can enhance the customer experience and simplify business operations. Consider installing modern point-of-sale systems, digital displays for promotions or product information, and contactless payment options for convenience and efficiency.

Also, don’t neglect amenities for your customers and employees. Make sure you have clean and well-maintained restroom facilities, comfortable break areas, and any other amenities that can enhance the overall experience in your store.

Are you interested in the renovation of acommercial property?
At Leba Constructora, we offer customized solutions for each project. Find out which one best suits your needs and budget.

Is it profitable to renovate commercial premises?

As is to be expected, carrying out renovations involves a considerable investment. However, to ensure its profitability, it is essential to outline a clear strategy that defines the objectives of the renovations, the available budget and the timeframe for completion.

When renovating a commercial space, it is crucial to consider several factors that impact the final price:

  1. Labor
  2. Carpentry work
  3. Finishing
  4. Plumbing, electrical and telecommunications installations
  5. Ventilation and air conditioning systems
  6. Permit management and legal advice
  7. Installation of fire protection systems

Advantages of renovating with Leba constructora

Renovating a commercial space with Leba has multiple benefits, both in terms of visual appeal and economic value. Some of these points are:

  1. Visual and aesthetic improvement: updating the interior design, including decoration and lighting, not only beautifies the space, but also positively influences the customer’s perception, fostering an environment that invites them to buy.
  2. Increased attractiveness to new customers: A refurbished store can capture the attention of passersby and potential customers, increasing the chances of converting interest into actual sales.
  3. Enhancing the value of the property: The improvements made during the renovation can increase the market value of the premises, making it more attractive in the event of a future sale or rental.
  4. Reinforcement of the brand image: A modernized space reflects a solid and professional corporate image, reinforcing the brand identity in front of customers and competitors.
  5. Adaptation to new needs and trends: The refurbishment allows the premises to adapt to new market trends and specific business needs, such as the incorporation of technology or the creation of areas dedicated to specific services, improving the customer experience and business operability.


So, renovating a retail space can present challenges, but in the long run, it provides numerous opportunities for your business to thrive in that environment. As a construction company, Leba, we create a combination of creativity, attention to detail and a customer-centric approach, where we help you transform your commercial space into a place that makes your customers feel at home. Are you ready to embark on this adventure?

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